Thursday, November 26, 2009

gremlins- week four

continuing from last entry:

week 4 of little t-Rex's life.

we found out, an even scarier word then 'the burp' ....... it's


well, we didn't see it coming, we did expect it but it's here to haunt us.

this is how Naomi looks like normally

Naomi : so cute, pretty and serene.

when she opens her eyes, she looks like this

this is how she is during the evenings, from 7.30pm to 10.30pm or later in the night till midnight.

Naomi....she's a hand full!!! no one can say what causes colic and the worse thing there is no cure to it!!!!!it's crying session non stop and this t-Rex can roar really loud, for 3 hours!

1 comment:

  1. cute..a friend of mine once said..God made children so cute that we can't help but love them..gremlin or not!

